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Philippe Ernewein

The Beat Tour of Denver
The Beat Tour of Denver is scheduled sporadically & (sometimes) spontaneously; please contact me if interested in the tour. Please download the following documents prior to leaving campus:
Kerouac Journal, "Private Philologies": May 1949, Westwood, CO
Kerouac Journal, "Le Coeur Et L'Arbre" (Heart of the Tree): Summer 1949, Denver, CO
Kerouac Map of Denver
Also, please bring your copy of On The Road.
Welcome to the Beat Generation
This week-long, introductory class is taught during the year at various times in conjunction with College Week, Special Studies Units and as part of a professional development series for teachers called "Teachers As Writers."
This unit includes The Beat Tour of Denver, a half or full day of experiential learning around Denver. The UbD-formated syllabus can be found here.
Course Texts:
Ann Charters (ed.), The Portable Beat Reader
Jack Kerouac, On the Road
Allen Ginsberg, Howl and Other Poems & Kaddish
Gary Snyder, Riprap & Cold Mountain Poems
Course Description:
This class is an introduction to the poetry, fiction, and non-fiction of the writers from the Beat Generation. This course will involve writing and reading on a daily basis. An example of “best writing” and a PowerPoint presentation are requirements for this course.
To understand the political, social, and artistic climate during the time of the Beat Generation.
To appreciate the continued interest in the Beat phenomenon forty years after the style became famous.
To engage in and influence the ongoing critical debate about Beat ideas, Bohemianism, popular culture, and writing by being active creators of corroborating or competing texts.
Course Requirements:
Daily attendance
Complete reading assignments/pony cards
PowerPoint presentation or Broadside creation
Example of “best writing”
“Best writing”= typed copy of the golden nuggets captured during the free write sessions. Minimum one-page, typed & double-spaced.
Visual representation= 10 - 12 minutes, exploring one of the following topics: the Beat Generation, Atomic Bomb (& aftermath), an individual representative of the Beat Generation or the lasting influence of the Beats.
Tentative Schedule:
Introduction: “What is the Beat Generation?”
Review syllabus
Kerouac’s rules of writing
Timed writing
Homework: visit minutes journal
Check-out Kerouac's rules about writing: Writing Modern Prose
Share first free writing
On The Road: movie trailer
King Crimson's Beat
Timed Writing
Homework: visit minutes journal
Share free writing
ML: Ginsberg
Video: Ginsberg & Howl
Homework: find "Beat" poem
Watch video (length 2:44): The Influence of the Beat Generation
Journal Independently: answer question, "How has reading and listening to the writing of the Beat Generation influenced the writing you've done in class?"
Share out: all-group (answer to question)
Watch video with a partner (length 11:15): The Source (Beat Documentary, part 1). As you watch, take notes with partner, answer question: "What did you learn from this documentary clip that is new/What confirms what we've already learned in class?"
Timed Writing: 10 minute free write (add to previous writing, or start new)
By 8:00 am Friday, please email your best writing to Mr. Ernewein (; minimum length, one page typed/double-spaced
Feel free to reach out to Mr. Ernewein directly with questions through email.
Post “Best Writing”
Share examples of “Best Writing”
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