Philippe Ernewein

(short intro of book title/short stories)
Day #1
DO NOW: answer the following questions about last night's reading (if needed, link to story here). Answer questions on separate piece of paper and turn in.
How does Elizabeth Gilbert travel around France? (list 2 modes of transportation)
Put the following quote in your own words, "I felt like I had caught up with Time again."
What event have you experienced that might relate to the following quote, "For the first time in my life, every single day seems to have the exact right number of hours in it."
Put the following quote in your own words, "Because of how dearly France bled during the two world wars, almost every French town has a monument to its fallen soldiers in the middle of the central square."
In the following quote, who are "they": " They're against the war in Iraq, but they're also against the Arabs in their own country. They're against Turkey entering the European Union. They're against McDonald's. They're against children having to go to school on Wednesdays."
What did the author and companion have to surrender for the sake of national security? (Hint, think cheese & wine)
With a partner, compose three questions for Elizabeth Gilbert about the story and email them to Mr. Ernewein.
Start reading next story: "The Incredible Buddha Boy" (only first 3 pages: 219 - 221)
-Don't have your book? Digital copy here; read to last line, "Seven months, I think? The kid has been sitting there seven months?"
-Code the text, marking PMI (Positive/Minus/Interesting)
Day #2
DO NOW: answer the following questions about last night's reading (if needed, link to story here). Answer questions on separate piece of paper and turn in.
How does Elizabeth Gilbert travel around France? (list 2 modes of transportation)
Put the following quote in your own words, "I felt like I had caught up with Time again."
What event have you experienced that might relate to the following quote, "For the first time in my life, every single day seems to have the exact right number of hours in it."
Put the following quote in your own words, "Because of how dearly France bled during the two world wars, almost every French town has a monument to its fallen soldiers in the middle of the central square."
In the following quote, who are "they": " They're against the war in Iraq, but they're also against the Arabs in their own country. They're against Turkey entering the European Union. They're against McDonald's. They're against children having to go to school on Wednesdays."
What did the author and companion have to surrender for the sake of national security? (Hint, think cheese & wine)
With a partner, compose three questions for Elizabeth Gilbert about the story and email them to Mr. Ernewein.
Start reading next story: "The Incredible Buddha Boy" (only first 3 pages: 219 - 221)
-Don't have your book? Digital copy here; read to last line, "Seven months, I think? The kid has been sitting there seven months?"
-Code the text, marking PMI (Positive/Minus/Interesting)
Day #3
DO NOW: Using a T-chart, compare the Lonely Planet-styled travel writing to Christopher Columbus's travel notes. List the similarities and differences.
ML: What is travel writing?
Share example of Lonely Planet: next draft on Google Doc
Begin next travel story
Homework: Read introduction letter to literary journal & write first letter
Day #4
DO NOW: read this article from; in your journal answer the question:
How is it/or is it not an example of travel writing?
What painting would you want to travel to see and why?
Setting up Google Doc
Homework: Read page 288 - 291. Design 5 sections that you can write about; write about one of those sections. Post at Google Doc & share with me.
Day #5
Decorate journal cover: include your name & the word "journal"
Define the word "flag" and list your top 5 favorite flags; then sketch a drawing of our class flag.
Read part 1 of 6 of Tonto Deconstruction Blues: A Picture of Pale Moon
Answer the following questions:
Does this fit the criteria of "travel writing" that has been discussed in class? Why or why not?
If the writer was only 14 months old, how could he have written the story? What steps might he have taken to gather the details of the story?
Where did you travel that you only know about from family stories or pictures (because you were too young)?